Sweater Weather & WODS - FALL EDITION


Those of you that have been with us from the beginning, can you believe it’s only been 2 years? Look at how far you have come. Take a minute and reflect on your first day at ChalkDust. What did you modify and what was the WOD?Now fast forward to your WODs today! We guarantee you’ve made progress. Your weights are heavier, your squats are lower and your stamina and endurance is getting better each day. Those of you that have only been with us for a little while, we are so happy you’ve joined the team, and we look forward to helping you reach your fitness goals.

Speaking of progress. Can you see your own progress and? Did you set an intention for yourself when you started on this journey to be able to actually track your progress? Did you set goals for yourself? If so, where do you stand. Like really stand. Strip away all of the excuses, the fluff, and blame, and really pin point what it is that’s standing in your way. Everything from our schedules, attitudes and diet(ahem, this might be the most important change we need to make) is our responsibility to change. Is it easy? No. Is the team at ChalkDust willing and able to help you. Hell yes. 

We Welcome You To The Community of People Who Have Decided That Easy Will No Longer Suffice.


We live in a society of constant distractions. We have multiple activities pulling us in every direction and we are often left feeling unaccomplished and unmotivated by the end of the day. When we wake up, we sometimes feel like we’re already behind on the day and repeat a vicious cycle.
These endless tasks keep adding up. And we find that we are living our lives by focusing on what we have to do. But what if we stop and ask ourselves why we do these things.

What is your why?

Why do you go to work everyday? Why do you take the kids to their sport practice/games? Why do you cook meals rather than take out, or the other way around? These are fairly simple questions to answer. We work, because high fives don’t pay the mortgage. We take our kids places because we love them/find importance in them being in sports. We cook because we care about our bodies, and get fast food because sometimes a poor food decision is a result of time constraints.
But what if we dig deeper and ask the more uncomfortable questions. Why don’t I eat better? Why don’t I have one hour that is committed to myself?  What’s holding me back from being in control of my schedule/life. What’s the real reason I’m not motivated in the gym? The answers to these questions are harder. We can sometimes place blame on everything or everyone other than ourselves. It’s uncomfortable to confront ourselves and reflect. But it’s so necessary. Without that, we don’t grow. We repeat a cycle that can't be altered by anyone other than ourselves. 
If you've ever noticed that when you are feeling down or blah, life just isn’t as vibrant. Things seem kinda boring or uninspired, you become frustrated with people easier, and things seem inadvertently directed right at you? It comes down to the fact that we control our own experiences. If we aren’t 100% solid on why we choose to keep ourselves fit, it shows up in the form of missed classes, little effort during the WOD, poor food choices and worse of all the feeling of defeat. When you discover your why, you find the how.
Take a minute and pin point your why at ChalkDust and let’s change HOW we live our lives. Let’s change HOW we approach the WOD. HOW we approach our diets and food choices. Let’s make a drastic change so that we live longer, move longer, laugh more, give more and be more. Why? Because why not?
Anytime you need to discuss or reevaluate your fitness plan, contact us at chalkdustcrossfit@gmail.com.  We can and will help you get where you want to be.

ARE YOU ONE OF OUR AWESOME RUNNERS?This article is for you! Ever wonder why we value the strength portion of class so much? Former pro triathlete Chris Hinshaw explains why he was intimidated to attend his first CrossFit class, but now couldn’t…


This article is for you! Ever wonder why we value the strength portion of class so much? Former pro triathlete Chris Hinshaw explains why he was intimidated to attend his first CrossFit class, but now couldn’t imagine his life without it.
We would never want you to give up your running roots. In fact, we feel that we can help you get better, by building the muscles that you need to sustain the long runs and recover quicker.
Click here to see what Coach Hinshaw has to say about the marriage between CrossFit and Running.

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